1. Where is EBC located?

    Answer: Everybody's Cool was founded and has its offices located near Lake Merritt in Oakland, California.

    2. Do you sell items other than T-shirts? 

    Answer: Yes, in fact we have an entire EBC Collection of various items such as sweaters, sweatshirts, t-shirts, masks, bags, stickers and more. We can also customize some items for a small fee. NOTE: We have a host of other products and services under our Education and Community Outreach Initiatives.

    3. What else does Everybody's Cool do beside showcasing apparel?

    Answer: Our unique apparel is only one area of focus for us and was designed to send a message. With this message we have a number of education initiatives in the works, community outreach events and an entertaining social media project coming to you in 2021.

    4. When is your camp and school set to open?

    Answer: Due to Covid-19 restrictions, we have decided to strictly follow the guidelines of the state health officials. Assuming the restrictions are eased over the next several months, we plan to have our first camp open to 6th grade leaders in the summer of 2021. The Humanity School, a place for preschoolers, we hope to open in the Fall of 2022.

    5. Do you work with corporations or other large organizations?

    Answer: We currently have a set of modules in development that focus on equity, diversity and inclusion. These modules are centered around our "5 Cool Principles" (AKA: The 5 C's) frameworks. Our modules help members of your organization take a deep dive into the most effective aspects of communication, relationship building and acceptance. Not only do our modules impact personal and professional growth, they also work to improve overall productivity while generating a healthy work environment for participants.

    6. Can I order any of the items mentioned above on-line?

    Answer: For sale right now is our collection of apparel and other items. You can purchase these through our Shopify site at www.everybodyscool.com/shopandshare. For information on ordering professional development and/or our corporate series on equity, diversity and inclusion, please contact Nicholas Williams at nicholas@everybodyscool.com.

    7. Are you a charitable organization?

    Answer: Yes and no. While our brand and apparel is featured to you as is customary for an apparel company like ours, we are committed to sharing our proceeds with the community in unique ways. Indeed, we are a company that aims to provide structured supports to the community at large.

    8. What is "Shop and Share"?

    Answer: Our Shop and Share program is our way of directly impacting those who are of greatest need in the community. With every purchase of an Everybody's COOL item, a portion of those funds go directly to our "Humanity First Foundation" which then supplies community members with one of our "Cool Bags" in which there are hygiene essentials such as toilet paper, hand sanitizer, feminine products, bottled water, socks, masks and more. And to our youth, items such as crayons, pencils and erasers, crossword puzzles and other games, markers, books, and more.